i rolled in to town at 2:40pm yesterday (april 9th) and hopped an airport shuttle tram to the highly efficient BART rail station. i must say, it's been a while since i've been to sfco and i was immediately refreshed and invigorated by the norcal pacific breeze. seeing houses built in hills, graf-work on tops of buildings (so that BART riders can take a gander), i could feel the electric vibe that energizes san francisco.
my friend, blanca (originally from barcelona) met me at the 24th & mission BART station to give me a tour of the great murals in the mission district. and great they were. ranging from creative outcries against gentrification to a virgin mary judging public pissers to a newer piece featuring photos of random items belonging to katrina victims, the little stretch we walked down was a feast for the eyes and mind.
afterwards, we took the train in to downtown for a bite near union square, where my other homie, peter, met us.
blanca hopped on the BART to catch a 10pm flight to nyc, while peter and i continued to his neck of the woods (near golden gate park and 'the haight'). we caught a MUNI to his side of town...and then we were delayed for 30 minutes or so just outside and then inside a tunnel. eventually, we were instructed to evacuate the train and walk the rest of the way. stepping on broken beer bottles and making spraypaint sounds with my mouth, i emerged from the tunnel thinking, "this is not a feature in any travel guide. and i love it."
we posted up at peter's place for a little bit so i could give my shoulders a rest from carrying the 300 pounds of crap in my backpack. then, with a hoodie to protect me from the cold, we headed down to the haight for a nice walk. here's a picture from the evening stroll.
travel is good.