Friday, May 29, 2009

I Will Be Here

tonight. Here are a few photos from dropoff day. Sorry about the blurriness.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I promise. It's been total blog fail lately, but things have settled down some after a move, a joint show, a job change, etc. and I'm back in action! If for nothing else, I'll be retroactively posting a few things to document them on the interwebs. 

As for now, the big item on my agenda is the DIAC's I AM HERE show (as noted in the sweet graphic below).

Cara and I are exhibiting next to one another to represent the KUNST! revolution up at Dbros Addison and beyond. Come on by the SouthSide on Lamar to check out 6 pieces by us and a ton of other work by a mixed bag of great talent from Big D.

I also wanted to express infinite gratitude to my homies Dylan Hollingsworth and Zach Saucedo for reaching out and inviting us to show at this event. Much appreciation, fellas.
