if you've been paying attention to the hardest of hard-hitting news, you know that aliens have landed in a small texas town and they are sucking the brains out of every creature with a teat. like any self-respecting, award-winning journalist, i lopped off my nipples, fashioned a protective tin-foil helmet, and took a day a trip to stephenville. the drive was relaxing. the people were friendly. and the aliens were running a muck. here's what i saw.
remember...none of these pictures have been edited.
that's not to say that i speak with an accent that requires me to drop the "h" sound (i.e. 'ello gov'ner and i'm trying to say hatch, but with a lisp...i mean that i put the AT (andrew tolentino) in ATX(austin texas)...literally.
i drove my happy ass down here last night to see what i could see. in fact, i actually drove straight to the campus because the clock-tower kindly beckoned me...and then, like a schoolmarm making first impressions, it slapped me in the face and told me i was lame for immediately visiting my alma mater...more to come on this later.
thank you for your hospitality, food, open arms, ears, and hearts:
josh king jeff king sean tate will yarbrough kim loop kevin fung face nick fung bhurin sead bonnibel fonbuena the sead family allan jamir huck schwee rico deleon gayle tabotabo kat salvante