Sunday, February 22, 2009

For the Love of Kettle: A Video Recap.

Below is a short montage I put together this morning from the, apparently limited footage I shot last night at Kettle Art's "For the Love of Kettle" group show.

In case you're wondering what went down, here's the skinny:
50 artists were given 2 8"X10" panels to create original work to be sold at $50 to benefit Kettle Art, a well-loved art space in Dallas, Texas.

Last night, on 02.21.09, hundreds of friends, family members, and local arts advocates passed through the threshold of "the little gallery that could." Walls quickly filled with red "sold" dots, proving (to me, at least) that our community does indeed respect, need, and appreciate local efforts to cultivate visual art.

I appreciate what this gallery has done for me, personally, but in a much larger scope, Kettle Art is a cultural mecca for Dallasites, whether they know it or not. Consistently challenging local artists to push their creative envelopes and providing a venue for visual (and occasionally other forms of) expression, the little gallery that could is showing this city that it can.

I humbly thank each and every person who came out to contribute to and support the art scene in big D last night.

Now peep this:

Also, be sure to check out Crazy Picture Guy's FREE Flickr set from the show right HURR.

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